The next generation in Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)   ⦾   Ask contextual questions based on location, social interactions, and physiology   ⦾   Reduce recall errors by asking questions at times and contexts of interest   ⦾   Test your hypotheses about the causes of behaviors   ⦾   Train personalized forecasting models in real-time
  ⦾   Deliver just-in-time (JIT) behavioral intervention messages to the treatment arm   ⦾
What is ODIN?
The Open Dynamic Interaction Network (ODIN) platform provides a way to use a person’s smartphone to ask them questions based on their current location, recent physical activity, ongoing social interactions, and continuous physiological markers. By asking questions about the motivating factors close to the times, places, and contexts of interest, ODIN limits the negative impacts of errors in participant recall. Data collected by ODIN can be used to train models to facilitate intervention planning. For example, personalized forecasting models can use ODIN to deliver just-in-time (JIT) behavioral intervention messages to a subset of participants as part of a clinical trial.
How does one use ODIN?
Using the ODIN website, researchers specify study questions and the rules governing the contexts in which each question should be asked.
he website allows the researcher to print coupon QR codes which can be distributed to eligible participants in a rolling recruitment process.
Each participant downloads ODIN from the Apple/Google store and enters their coupon. ODIN then asks them appropriate questions in each context for the study participation period.
Researchers can use the website to monitor the study, analyze data, modify the protocol, build forecasting models, and push intervention messages to participants.
What types of questions can be asked?
Question type
A real-world example of the Questions
Multiple choice (single and multi-select)
Which of the following substances did you use yesterday? (1) heroin, (2) meth, (3) cocaine, (4) PCP… Select all that apply. (RDAR study)
Free text entry
Enter a journal entry describing any experiences of
discrimination you experienced in the past 24 hours (ARDEN
Likert scale
On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong is your craving to drink right
now (CASA study)
Psychometric tests
You will see a series of images and will be asked to recall the order and arrangement of images you saw. Press ready to begin (REACT study)
ODIN’s Free Tier enables small-scale pilot studies for platform evaluation purposes. Larger
projects require provisioning hardware and support with costs varying based on the scale of